Oleasters, charcoal on paper, 2020, Budapest.
Oleasters are the types of dryads that can be imagined in various forms. The term derives from the Latin word oleaster, meaning “wild olive”. They usually symbolize peace, wisdom, and abundance. The olive tree itself is known for its longevity and resilience, which can also be reflected in the characteristics of its associated spirits.
In this project Taras depicts oleasters with missing limbs but elegant and graceful as if nothing is wrong. This symbolizes their resilience and strength despite all the struggle and tragedy that they are going through.

Sacrifice, after the sculpture of Auguste Rodin Les Bourgeois de Calais.
In 1347, after a prolonged siege by the English, King Edward III agreed to spare the city of Calais if six of its leading citizens would surrender to him, ready for execution. Then these men, including Andrieu d’Andres, volunteered to sacrifice themselves to save the townspeople.
The right drawing is an imprint created by rubbing the original sketch against the next page of paper transforming the visible character into a charcoal dust, ashes.

Objectification, charcoal on paper, 2024